Firstly, I’d like to thank all the Koru Gym members, visitors, and staff, for working so hard in getting Koru re-opened on the 25th July, and for adhering to all the new regulations that have been put in place. This has meant that we have been able to run a clean, and COVID free gym for you to train in.

Following the latest advice from the government, from Monday 5th October, all gym visitors will be required to wear a suitable face covering whilst in the gym (obviously this does not include when actually exercising).

Please wear your face covering when entering the gym, when walking to and from communal areas such as the changing rooms, and coffee area, and during any prolonged periods when you are not training.

We know this is another new regulation that we all have to adhere to, but it has been put in place to keep us all safe, and to help keep Koru, and other gyms, safe from lock-down.

I know you will all follow this request, as you have the others, and I thank you in advance for your understanding.


