Just wanted to give an official welcome to new member of staff, Hollie. Hollie is covering reception in the evenings, from 3pm to 10pm. Most of you have met her already, and I’ve already received loads of positive comments regarding the warm welcome that is being received as you come in, and that her cleaning skills are exceptional!! Was also good to see her getting stuck in and spotting Aaron’s bench press. Saves him dropping the bar on his head again!

Also had a great response to the new playlist. Don’t forget to keep asking for songs to be added. The more songs on there, the less we have to listen to Rich Hutson’s Rocky tribute!

Latest suggestions and answers are below:

Cover for the tyres

I’m not getting a cover as it would never be put back on anyway, but I am going to drill holes in the tyres so must of the standing water drains away.

Get some scales

We have scales, we’ve always had scales. They are in the treatment room. I have also bought another set. Just ask at reception.
update – new scales were stolen during the break-in. New new ones are on order.

Gap in benches is to big

Hopefully by the time this goes out the new benches will be here. I know the current ones have had issues which we have been trying to sort. Thanks for bearing with us.

Shared Spotify playlist for members to add favourite tracks

We did actually ask members, via facebook, a while back for song recommendations. We got a small response. We do have a spotify playlist. I can’t give everyone open access to it as we need some control over lyrics, etc, but please email me your requests and, if suitable, I’ll add them.


Seen these and I’m not a fan. Very gimmicky.

Hip adductor machine please

Sort of covered various machines in the past. I don’t want to be like every other gym and cram the place full of machines, so I’m being selective. As for adductor machines, these, along with their partner in crime, the abductor machine, will never be in Koru! The are the spawn of the devil!! If you have a certain body area you are unhappy with, please speak to one of the trainers, who will be only too willing to advise on possible exercises.

Heavier dumbbells

60kg will be here on the 28th December. The others will follow after.

Vipers for cardio

I have seen these, and actually met with the creator when he was over from Canada. I like them, and if we were a large chain then maybe I’d get a couple. However, we’ve only been open 7 months and are still watching what we spend, to ensure we are here for the long run. So I’m not saying never, just not yet.

Ladies Showers

We’ve had various comments about them not being clean enough, the showers too high, floor too wet, floor too dry, etc. The showers are cleaned daily, and also checked several times a day. However, if you come across something you are not happy with, just come and tell reception and it will be sorted. The ladies now have fully adjustable showers, so hopefully this will solve the height issue, and now there is also no reason for you to spray water all over the floor, so it solves that problem as well! The staff at Koru are amazing, but they are not mind readers, or magicians!

Cubicles for ladies changing rooms

Sorry but as adults, I don’t think this is necessary!! The shower cubicles are designed to allow you to change in there as well if you so wish.

Please continue to leave suggestions, either in the suggestion box, or by speaking to a member of staff. I will listen to, and answer all of them. If you put your name on the piece of paper I’ll respond to you personally. Leave it blank and I’ll respond via this feedback.

Many thanks