…. a brand new, shining kettlebell! Who wouldn’t want a big shiny present that says I care about you and your health! When your loved one meets up with their friends after Christmas, and they all compare the jumpers, and aftershave/perfume, or whatever generic, unfeeling, uncaring present their partners got them, you can be happy in the knowledge that your loved one has a unique, thoughtful present, and one that will help them to a longer, happier life!

If nothing else, buy them one in return for all the time I’ve spent making up the rubbish above!

In all seriousness, most of you have experienced how beneficial kettlebells are for your health, fitness, and weight loss efforts, so why not treat yourself or someone you care about to a quality competition kettlebell, hand delivered by me in time for Christmas Day.

12kg kettlebell £36.99

16kg kettlebell £49.99

20kg kettlebell £59.99

26kg kettlebell £79.99

32kg kettlebell £95.99

40kg kettlebell £119.99

Get in touch asap to avoid the rush!